Friday, October 1, 2010

Say You, Say Me.... say what????

Ok, so its a Friday and I'm in the "It's FRRRRIIIIDAAAY" party mode... Up at 4am to get ready to be at work by 5:30am.  I have one of those cool single serving coffee makers and pow(!) right in the kisser with instant wonderful!  Rushing to get in the car and head to my office, I find peaceful tranquility within the confines of my vehicle.  Mentally prepping for today, I turn on the radio to jam to some upbeat tunes.  Striking gold with some of that strange Ke$ha chic, I get the blood pumping... this is going to be an awesome day! Oh wait, damn the song is over as I just caught the end of it when I turned it on.. ok checking stations for another song or I will have to listen to one of my CD's.... Then there it was, the tail end of another song that caused me to pause to hear what was up next.... what the??? I seem to know the song, but it sounds so alien to my memory... to know, but not know... all of a sudden I expected either Will Ferrel or Zach Galifianakis to rise up from behind my seat and crawl up into the front passenger seat.  I felt like I was instantly in some of the crazy movies they have been apart of... It was "Say You, Say Me" by Lionel Richie (yeah the father of that spoiled brat) with his 1980's something song that for some reason appeals to me.... all pumped up like watching an Ironman movie, some AC/DC, but here I am in my car, singing the wimpiest of finger down the throat (like gag me with a spoon) songs.... oh but wait for it.... now the rocking guitar portion comes up and I'm acting like I'm on stage.....oh God, where is some Vesuvius when you need it..... later on I'll talk about how I go into seizures every time I use my single serve coffee maker and act like Peter Griffin when I make a fresh cup... clapping hands together and that giggle of "YAAAAY" everytime I depress the "Brew" button...


  1. Ha! Ke$ha is so annoyingly catchy, just like creepy lady (or man) gaga. YAAAY for single serving coffee makers! Victory is Yours!! (to be read in your best Stewie voice)

  2. oh man if only will did pop out of your backseat
