Monday, September 27, 2010

Cool daze; koolade haze

They say that smell is the most powerful memory, and I must agree since its been many moons ago I was heading out for a date when I spilt a very large portion of "Jaguar" cologne that I just bought from the PX all over me. One day my wife and I were walking in a department store and I saw that they still made that brand.  I took a whiff and was instantly standing on a Texas roadside in 1989 trying to wash off the excess toilet water from my shirt.  Now what is also amazing to me is how a particular temperature mixed with a certain amount of sunshine and just the right humidity and breeze can also magic carpet ride you to locations of long ago.  This past weekend, I stepped outside for the first time to feel the very first fall weather of the year. From the moment that my foot hit the outdoors and the first of the fall breeze brushed my face, I felt myself once again on a Texas roadside.  This time soaking up a beautiful day while riding an enormously heavy Huffy bicycle that I once again bought from the PX.  The road was flat and the sky was grand.  Blue, deep blue with hints of small clouds.  Also, I was running with a group of fellow soldiers in Arkansas for a morning run and still I was with my wife visiting family in Missouri.  One feeling, multiple locations. Smell can't hold a torch to that!
Reggie Jackson isn't the only one who shares the term "Mr. October".  I've observed numerous times that some of the best times in my life came in October.  It seems to be the month that I have been the most alive in the world.  Of course I've been there and done that with all the other months, but as I reflect back, it seems that when luck be a lady, she was at my place hanging for a month.

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